MSA Quarterly Outlook Report

MSA Research produces quarterly analytical outlook reports
covering the Canadian P&C and Life/Health industry.

Each P&C issue contains insightful, thought-provoking research pieces covering various aspects of the industry. In addition to the articles, each issue also contains updated summary financial results for Canada’s insurers, updated DBRS Ratings Roundup and a CatIQ Review…all of which we’re certain that you will find informative and of great interest.

MSA’s Quarterly reports are exclusively available via MSA’s Researcher Platform.

P&C Quarterly Outlook Report

MSA is pleased to announce the release of the Q1-2024 MSA P&C Quarterly Outlook Report

In This Issue:

• In Choppy Seas, Sturdy Ships Prevail
• Alberta Auto Up in the Air
• DBRS Morningstar: 30 Year Amortization Won’t Bolster Mortgage Insurance Demand
• Quarterly CatIQ CAT Review
• DBRS Morningstar Rating Roundup
• 3mos 2024 Company Results

View past Quarterly reports here!




Our Readers

This report is subscribed to by thousands of industry professionals including most Canadian insurance/reinsurance companies, commercial brokers, retail brokers, adjusters, regulators, associations, auditors, analysts & TPA’s

This P&C report is available to TIC member brokers
courtesy of our generous sponsor:

Interested in sponsoring these reports to other broker associations or industry groups?
If so, please contact or call +1 (416) 368-9001 ext. 3

Life/Health Quarterly Outlook Report

Each P&C issue contains insightful, thought-provoking research pieces covering various aspects of the industry. In addition to the articles, each issue also contains updated summary financial results for Canada’s insurers, updated DBRS Ratings Roundup and a CatIQ Review…all of which we’re certain that you will find informative and of great interest.

MSA’s Quarterly reports are exclusively available via MSA’s Researcher Platform.

MSA is pleased to announce the release of the Q1-2024 MSA Life/Health Quarterly Outlook Report

In This Issue:

• Steady as She Goes – The View from MSA/Valani at Q1
• Strategic Evolution – The Next Chapter for CDN L/H Insurers
• ESG Regulatory Landscape
• MSA Researcher Tech Tips
• Brightening the Tunnel: Streamlining Reporting Processes under IFRS-17
• Morningstar DBRS: Liquidity Risk Under Scrutiny
• Climate Scenario Analysis – “Have-To-Do” and “Like-To-Do”
• Morningstar DBRS Rating Roundup
• Q1-2024 Company Results

View past Quarterly reports here!



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