The 2008 MSA Report provides a wealth of financial information on the vast majority of Canada’s p&c insurers. It is an essential tool for anyone following the industry.
Key Features:
Detailed three-page 5-year financial reports covering every aspect of each insurer.
Consolidated exhibits for all major groups
Extensive corporate profile and contact information.
Comprehensive exhibit explanations
MSA ships the 2008 MSA Benchmark Report on property and casualty writers in Canada
The 2008 MSA Benchmark Report is a unique and powerful benchmarking tool, providing extensive comparative statistical information and analysis on forty-three industry composites. Composite data is presented in the same format as the individual company exhibits contained in the MSA/Report, providing for straightforward comparability.
The report provides three full pages of critical data for each composite, including:
Five years of information.
Multi-year averages and compound annual growth (CAGR) measures.
Regulatory early-warning tests (including pass/fail indicators), as well as supplementary solvency ratios.
Financials: Balance-sheet and income-statement.
Profitability and liquidity measures (discounted and un-discounted).